I’m 19f and I had my first visit to the gyno. Let’s just say it went a little differently than expected. I had been smoking all day before my appointment and when I’m high I get very horny. Oops. My doctor was an older handsome man. He was huge compared to me. At least 6’2 and a large build. He was very polite and friendly. I found it easy to talk to him. After we talked for a moment he stepped out so I could get undressed. I stripped down throwing my clothes on the chair in the room and put on the gown provided.
I scrolled through Reddit while I waited for him to return. That was probably a mistake. Scrolling Reddit while high had made me very horny. He stepped back into the room and instructed me to lay back. When I did he grabbed my legs and put them in the holders.(I have no idea what they are called)
I was a little surprised I hadn’t expected that.
I blushed as he stared down at my exposed bare pussy. He grabbed some tools and a bottle of lube stuff and placed them on a table near by. He then grabbed his chair and rolled it over to sit directly in front of me. He talked to me softly explaining the process and showing the tools he had out. As he talked he grabbed the lube stuff and squirted it on his index and middle finger. I watched confused because he hadn’t mentioned this part. He used his fingers to spread it over my lips and gently pushing his fingers into me. My pussy throbbed tightening around his fingers. I prayed he didn’t notice and it didn’t seem like he did. He then grabbed a long rod tool I don’t remember the name of and coated it in more of the lube. He rubbed it up and down my slit looking for my entrance. I had to hold back moans when he pushed it inside of me. At this point I was already very worked up. Inch by inch he pushed it into my pussy. It hit the back wall of my inside and I felt so full. My pussy was throbbing and clenching the rod desperate for relief. I relaxed a little when he began to pull it out but he stopped about half way before pushing it back into my depths. I gasped a bit surprised by the sudden action. He apologized saying he was just checking something else. He repeated this action a few times and I knew if he didn’t stop I was going to cum. Just as I thought I was going to go over he stopped and suddenly pulled it out of me. He placed the tool back on the table and excused himself to grab something out of one of the drawers. He brought over a tube of cream and put a small bit on his finger tip. He told me it was to check my nerve sensitivity. Not knowing what that meant but too awkward to ask I just nodded. He rubbed the cream into my clit and I had to bite my tongue. He explained it will take a moment to start working and turned back to his table. Grabbing the rod again. He pushed it back into me. He then grabbed the cream adding more onto my clit. He then began the thrusting motion inside of me with the rod. I began to feel a bit suspicious about his process but before I could think too much about it my clit began to throb intensely. He asked if the cream was working and how it felt. I told him it was making the area extremely sensitive and he just simply said good and added more. He said it was a good sign of healthy nerves. My body was buzzing and I knew I couldn’t stop myself from cumming much longer. He pulled out the tool and replaced them with his fingers. He said he needed to check my walls… he curled his fingers upward as he pushed them in and out of me. I was so close barely keeping myself from going over. When he reached up and began touching and examining my clit, I couldn’t hold back any longer, and I came.
Something you should know about me is I’m a squirter…
My pussy clenched his fingers tight and sprayed my juices everywhere.
I immediately began apologizing, and covering my face ashamed.
He assured me repeatedly it was fine and a normal body reaction. He said it happens all the time excuse himself to allow me to get dressed again. He told me everything was good to go when he see me again at my next appointment I awkwardly asked for a mop or some paper towels to clean up my mess and he told me not to worry about it.
It’s safe to say I need a new gynecologist. I don’t think I can look him in the face again.