This took place nearly 30 years ago. I was the second one in my friend group to turn 18 and we went to a tattoo parlor just over the border in New Hampshire so I could get my first tattoo. I had been saving up for a few weeks and was flush with birthday money. Or so I thought.
I was 5’7, with waist length dark brown hair. I was a size 12, so a little chubby. I had 34C boobs.
I chose a cute butterfly tattoo that I had done on my right calf. The tattoo artist was probably in his mid-40s. He had pretty big biceps but a beer belly. He wasn’t unattractive but no one I’d have considered at the time. During the process I noticed he checked out my boobs multiple times.
The tattoo took about 45 minutes. When I went to pay my debit card was declined. I tried again, declined, and again, declined. I asked to use the phone to call my bank. When I called the rep told me that there was a large cash withdrawal and my balance was $20. It turned out my father, who was on my account from when it opened when I was 14, knew I was getting a tattoo and took the money out to stop me. My heart sunk and panic set in.
Sheepishly, I asked to speak to the artist in private, as I didn’t want my friends to hear what happened. I told him the money in my account was gone and I apologized and started tearing up. He took a stern tone and said “What, do you think this is going to be free?”
I said I can comeback with the money, he responded “I don’t believe you, you’re trying to rip me off!”
The tears in my eyes grow larger and I had no idea what to do. Then, with a devilish glint in his eye he says “Maybe you can make an alternative payment today. You’re really 18, right? You didn’t give me a fake ID on top of trying to rip me off did you?”
“N-n-no sir.”
His expression turned to a smirk as he says the words I was anticipating but dreading…”If you suck my cock we’ll call it even, fair?”
I realize my choices are few. I can feel my cheeks burning red in embarassment as the words “I guess that’s fair” escape my mouth.
“Good girl.” He said in a patronizing tone. He curls his finger to call me over and says “You better know what you’re doing.” As he undid his belt.
I walked over and took my place on my knees. He unbuttoned his jeans and I could immediately smell the unctuous odor from his crotch. He pulls his boxers down and his cock springs out. He is about 6″ but really thick. I realized there is no real going back now as my lips kiss the head of his cock before I open my mouth and take him inside of me. I want to get this over with so I start sucking hard and fast. He grabs my ponytail and says “I took time on your tattoo, you take your time with me.”
I slowed my pace. He lets out a moan and again calls me a good girl. I keep on bobbing my head, hoping he will cum soon. Then he grabs my ponytail again and pulls me off of his cock and says “Let me see those tits.” He reached down and pulled my tank top off in a quick motion. I stood up and undid my bra, letting it fall to the floor. He pinched my surprisingly hard nipples and then told me to get back to it.
I got back on my knees and took him in my mouth. He reached down and played with my boobs as I started sucking him again. I caught the first taste of precum and nearly gagged. As I pulled my head off for a breath he told me to lay down on the tattoo table and open my mouth. He then fucked my throat with his cock, his balls slapping into my eyes as he massages my boobs and thrusts in and out. Finally I feel the head of his cock twitch and he explodes in my mouth and right down my throat. He holds it in place, his balls placed right on my face as he gives off a couple more small squirts that I have no choice but to swallow.
He pulls out, making sure to drag his cock across as much of my face as he could. He picked up my bra and said “I think that makes it even now.” I put my tank top back on, now braless. Never had I felt so used and dirty.
When I got back to the lobby my friends asked what took so long, apparently it had been about 30 minutes. I made up a lie about his system was down and he was calling the bank. I knew they didn’t believe me but I wasn’t about to own up to what I just did either.
When I got home my father saw the tattoo and was furious and asked how I paid for it as he gave me an envelope with the cash he had taken. I wanted to say because of you I sucked a strangers cock to pay but didn’t have the courage so I just said “Stacey paid for it.”